Sunday, 19 January 2025

Scrap Tank, construction progress.

Construction of the chassis of my 7mm scale Scrap Tank is well advanced and the mechanism progresses smoothly under power along the test track in the studio, so a test run on the club layout in Carlisle at this stage might be a good idea. There is still much detail to add below the footplate which I will leave for a later stage of construction; meanwhile I'm looking into the possibility of 3D printing some components, particularly the sand-boxes and driving wheel springs and maybe the rivetted wheel balance weights. The coupling rods were made for me by WMI; the connecting rods I built myself. The gearbox is an ABC Mini7E mounting an M1833 motor. The footplate assembly is screwed to the frames through the front frame spacer; the rear frame spacer slots into a housing fastened to the inside of the back buffer beam.

Phosphor-bronze pick-up wires (0.5mm) are arranged to bear on the tops of the centre and rear drivers which will locate inside the engine's spacious side tanks; those that bear on the front driver have not been resolved yet. The left hand driving wheels are shorted by means of an 0.5mm p/b wire soldered between hub and tyre and slotted behind a spoke.

With the front driving wheels are in position, the axle screw is masked by the slide-bar/cross-head assembly and inaccessible. To overcome this the axle and its brass bearings is retained by a keeper rod soldered to a plate. The removable plate slots in place against the front frame spacer and is retained by a screw. 

Clearance between the chunky cross-head casting and the coupling-rod is minimal and much metal had to be removed warily from the rear of the casting and from the head of the protruding crank-pin screw to achieve free movement.  

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