
HR 20T Brake Van d.14

Built from a Lochgorm kit with improvements and full interior detail. These vans were the last design of HR brake van and it is conjectured that they may never have run in HR livery. Here running at Carlisle through the scenic section of the 0 gauge group's layout.

HR d.4 Covered Van

Built from a Lochgorm kit with a few refinements and improvements. These vans seem to have been identified by the plate on the solebar rather than by lettering painted on the van sides.

HR OCT with Austin 7 Chummy
HR OCT built from a Lochgorm kit with additions, refinements and improvements and here seen running on the Carlisle 0 Gauge Club's layout. The Austin 7 Open Tourer was built from a SE Finecast kit.

HR D12 Fish Wagon.

Built with the assistance of a Lochgorm Kits' "Aids to Scratchbuilding" etch, with many refinements and additions. The wagon sheet inside the fish truck was hand drawn x4 oversize and then scaled on the computer and printed as an outline drawing. This was then folded and painted after which ties were added made from "rope" designed for a model ship.

LNWR D.103 flat wagon

I built this LNWR wagon some time ago from an ABS white metal kit, though I didn’t furnish it with a number plate at the time. The distractions of the festive season have meant that lately I’ve only had time for a few small projects…the missing number plate was one, and you can see it in place in this view. I used the computer to do this, but first I drew an oversize number plate by hand; then I scanned the drawing, resized it, and printed it on good quality paper the correct size. The tiny plate was then cut out, glued in place and lightly weathered to blend in with the existing paint job; it’s a small detail, but I think it was worth the effort.

Highland Railway D32 Passenger Brake Van.

Built from a Lochgorm Kits "Aids to Scratchbuilding" etch with many improvements and additions. The window openings have been doubled in thickness and an inner skin added so the glazing slides into the slot between the inner and outer skin.
Highland Railway 6-wheel Goods Brake Van from a Lochgorm Kits "Aids to Scratchbuilding" etch.


Fordson "F" Tractor loaded on NER "IMP"

Caledonian Railway Goods Brake Van built from a Caley Coaches etches only kit. Castings and the guard are from my own "Heroes of the Footplate" range.

Slaters' Brake Van built to display a figure from my "Heroes of the Footplate" range.

Ref: R9 "Guard leaning on side rail"  LMS Brake Van.

NBR Goods Van built from a Celtic Connections etch.

Built without significant additions or modifications straight from the etches, this van boasts sprung couplings and buffers but no compensation for the wheels, nevertheless it runs remarkably smoothly.

LNWR D12 single bolster timber trucks

This pair of 10ton timber wagons started life as kits from George Dawson  though I think they're now marketed by Gladiator. I added number plates, shackles, chains and stanchions from photos in "LNWR Wagons Vol. One" published by Wild Swan.

Slaters Petrol Tank Wagon, unmodified.

I've only weathered this tank wagon very lightly, there's only the slightest dribble of oil on the tank. I'm wary of over weathering vehicles and, as this is a Class "A" rail tank to carry clean petroleum spirit rather than oil, I think I can justify its relatively clean appearance.

Caledonian Railway Horse Box heavily modified from a kit of unknown authorship.

 The kit I used as a starting point for this model is now available from Dragon Models having appeared in the lists of several manufacturers previously. It is not a recent "state of the art kit" and I found it needed a good deal of research and modification before it made into a scale model of this particular CR vehicle.

HR d.16 Open Goods Wagon
NE Lowfit with Farmall F Tractor load c1935

Fordson "F" crawler tractor on NBR  "IMP"


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